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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul - Lesson 11: Psalm 46 “Who’s in Charge Around Here?” 12/18/24 Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul - Lesson 11: Psalm 46 “Who’s in Charge Around Here?” Scott Hafer Bible Class Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul Wed PM Bible Study 12-18-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Mark in the company of Christ - Lesson 10, Mark 14:1-52 12/15/24 Mark in the company of Christ - Lesson 10, Mark 14:1-52 Scott Hafer Bible Class Mark in the company of Christ Sun AM Bible Study 12-15-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
A Lamp in the Darkness 12/15/24 A Lamp in the Darkness Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 12-15-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
The Blood of the Covenant 12/15/24 The Blood of the Covenant Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 12-15-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul - Lesson 10: Psalm 42, 43 “Uplook for the Downcast” 12/11/24 Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul - Lesson 10: Psalm 42, 43 “Uplook for the Downcast” Chad Guyer Bible Class Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul Wed PM Bible Study 12-11-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
The Mind of Christ 12/08/24 The Mind of Christ Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 12-08-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Mark in the company of Christ - Lesson 9, Mark 13 12/08/24 Mark in the company of Christ - Lesson 9, Mark 13 Scott Hafer Bible Class Mark in the company of Christ Sun AM Bible Study 12-08-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
The Mind of Christ" and "Knowing God: Understanding the Relationship of Father, Son, & Spirit 12/08/24 The Mind of Christ" and "Knowing God: Understanding the Relationship of Father, Son, & Spirit Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 12-08-24_AM_Website.mp3
Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul - Lesson 9: Psalm 40 “Getting a Grip on Daily Problems” 12/04/24 Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul - Lesson 9: Psalm 40 “Getting a Grip on Daily Problems” Chad Guyer Bible Class Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul Wed PM Bible Study 12-04-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
"One Day 12/01/24 "One Day Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 12-01-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Mark in the company of Christ - Lesson 8, Mark 11-12 12/01/24 Mark in the company of Christ - Lesson 8, Mark 11-12 Scott Hafer Bible Class Mark in the company of Christ Sun AM Bible Study 12-01-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Motives 12/01/24 Motives Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 12-01-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 8: Psalm 27 “A Song for the Fearful” 11/27/24 Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 8: Psalm 27 “A Song for the Fearful” Bruce Everett Bible Class Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul Wed PM Bible Study 11-27-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Proper Proclamation 11/24/24 Proper Proclamation Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 11-24-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
A Heart of Thanksgiving 11/24/24 A Heart of Thanksgiving Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 11-24-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Mark in the company of Christ - (Lesson 7) Mark 9:30 - 10:52 11/24/24 Mark in the company of Christ - (Lesson 7) Mark 9:30 - 10:52 Scott Hafer Bible Class Mark in the company of Christ Sun AM Bible Study 11-24-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 7: Psalm 23 - The Shepherd's Song 11/20/24 Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 7: Psalm 23 - The Shepherd's Song Bruce Everett Bible Class Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul Wed PM Bible Study 11-20-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
The Profound Obedience of Jesus 11/17/24 The Profound Obedience of Jesus Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 11-17-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Mark in the company of Christ - (Lesson 6) Mark 8:27 - 9:29 11/17/24 Mark in the company of Christ - (Lesson 6) Mark 8:27 - 9:29 Scott Hafer Bible Class Mark in the company of Christ Sun AM Bible Study 11-17-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
The Art of Peace 11/17/24 The Art of Peace Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 11-17-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 6: Psalm 22 - The Common Cry of the Lonely 11/13/24 Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 6: Psalm 22 - The Common Cry of the Lonely Taylor Ladd Bible Class Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul Wed PM Bible Study 11-13-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Faithful Stewardship 11/10/24 Faithful Stewardship Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 11-10-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
The Gospel in the Garden 11/10/24 The Gospel in the Garden Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 11-10-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Mark in the company of Christ - (Lesson 5) Mark 7:1 - 8:26 11/10/24 Mark in the company of Christ - (Lesson 5) Mark 7:1 - 8:26 Scott Hafer Bible Class Mark in the company of Christ Sun AM Bible Study 11-10-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 5: Psalm 19 - How Do I Know God is Real? 11/06/24 Selected Psalms - Songs to Soothe the Soul, Lesson 5: Psalm 19 - How Do I Know God is Real? Artie McDonald Bible Class N/A Wed PM Bible Study 11-6-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_WEBSITE.mp3

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